The medium blonde (8.0) has full coverage (even on grey hair) and a very natural look. A lighter alternative of this colour would be the light blonde (9.0). You could also mix the 8.0 and 9.0 to get a colour that's a shade in between. Make sure to keep a ratio of 1:1 when mixing these two. Looking for a cooler colour? Take a look at our ash blonde (8.1). Or maybe a warmer colour? Try mixing 8.0 with the golden blonde (8.3) or copper golden blonde (8.43).
Advice with picking a colour
The result always depends on the colour and structure of your hair before you dye it. If you have dry, porous or fine hair, you should probably take a dye lighter than the colour you actually want. Your hair will absorb more pigment from the dye, making your end results darker than they should be. It's better to dye your hair too light than too dark, because you can't dye dark hair back! If you have doubts between two colours, pick the lighter colour. Are the end results too light? You can always dye it to a darker colour right away without damaging your hair with WECOLOUR dye.
Dyeing your hair for the first time? Or using WECOLOUR for the first time? Use our hair colour advice tool to decide which hair colour suits your hair best in four easy steps. You can also get hair colour advice from one of our colour specialists via email. Then fill in this questionnaire. If you want personal advice, schedule a video consultation with one of our hair colour specialists.
Not fully convinced this colour suits you? Take a look at our Pinterest where we show diverse examples and inspiration for each colour.
Choice of activator
You can order this colour with 3% and 6% activator. 3% is the best choice if you want to use this colour as a corrective toner after bleaching your hair. The colour tone does not cover greys, does not lighten and only lasts a few washes. Use 6% activator for a permanent, grey covering colour and/or if you want to lift your undyed hair 1-2 colour levels.
How much dye do you need?
- Short, thin hair or just the roots: less than one package (one tube mixed with developer)
- Hair until your shoulders: one package (one tube mixed with developer)
- Thick or longer hair: two packages (tube mixed with developer)
- Very thick, long hair: three packages (tube mixed with developer)
Make sure to have enough dye. There's nothing more annoying than running out of dye in the middle of dyeing your hair. Also don't mix too much dye at once, you can always make more. If you have leftover (unmixed) dye, that's no problem. WECOLOUR colour cream has a shelf life of 12 months after opening.