Do you (possibly) have an allergy to hair dye? But would still really like to dye your hair? Then try WECOLOUR hair dye. For people who have become intolerant to hair dye or are allergic to hair dye, WECOLOUR can be a solution. Hair dyes contain dye (pigment) to which people can react allergically. Some people have it from birth, others build it up over a long period of time or suddenly become allergic from getting a henna tattoo.
Most people who are allergic to hair dye are allergic to the substance PPD. PPD is a dye that is present as an ingredient in almost every hair dye. WECOLOUR hair colour does not contain PPD. However, our hair dyes do contain TDS. TDS is related to PPD, but much less aggressive. WECOLOUR hair colour is also as pure as possible, which minimises the chance of a hair fall allergy. WECOLOUR hair colour, for instance, contains no ammonia, resorcinol and parabens. Much gentler and better for your hair and your health! Also, WECOLOUR is 100% animal-free and grey coverage.
Some people are born with a PPD allergy and others build up an intolerance or allergy over a long period of time to PPD which is almost always found in hair dyes. PPD is a dye needed to change the colour of hair. A rinse will not give you good coverage of grey hair, you really need hair dye for this. If you have become intolerant to hair dye, there is a good chance you can tolerate our hair dye well. People who have built up an allergy to hair dye over the years are in 70% of cases not allergic to our hair dye. If you have had an allergy to PPD from birth, there is a 10% chance you will tolerate WECOLOUR hair dye. But it's worth a try! Ask for a tester and you will know whether you tolerate WECOLOUR. The tester comes with detailed instructions on how best to carry out the allergy test. You pay € 5.00 for the tester. You will receive a discount code that you can redeem with your next order. Do check first what colour you would like to dye your hair in. As the composition of each of our colours is different, possible allergic reactions are also different. So it is important to do the allergy test with the right colour. Not sure which colour to go for yet? Our hair colour advice tool helps you choose the right hair colour.
If you have a severe PPD allergy, be extra careful! WECOLOUR hair colour does not contain PPD, but does contain TDS. This is an alternative to PPD, much less aggressive and often also suitable for people with a hair fall allergy. But always do an allergy test first and repeat this regularly. Once allergic, this always remains a concern.
People who are extremely allergic to PPD should only request a tester of one of our five red and copper shades. This does not contain TDS either. Our red and copper shades are mahogany red dark brown (4.65), copper light brown (6.4), copper red light brown (6.64), copper dark blonde (7.4) and intense copper dark blonde (7.44). Is red or mahogany not an option for you? Then bear in mind that dark colours contain more TDS than blonde light colours, so prefer to choose a lighter colour.
If you are allergic to hair dye and you still dye your hair with hair dye containing PPD, you will have an allergic reaction. For some this is worse than for others, but it can be so bad that you have to go to hospital. Some people even die from it. That is why we always advise you to do an allergy test. You can request a tester with colour cream from us so you don't have to buy a whole package of hair dye. You can also develop an allergy, in which case you can no longer tolerate PPD overnight. You will develop a red rash, your scalp will become very itchy, you can get blisters, blisters and even very open spots on your face. If you take an allergy test, leave the colour cream on the inside of your arm under a plaster for at least 72 hours. If you get bothered or itchy, remove the colour cream immediately. If after 72 hours you still don't have any reaction (maybe just from the plaster), then you can use our hair dye without any problems.
If you want to read reviews, read: what our customers say about us. There you can find several positive experiences with WECOLOUR from people who are allergic to other brands of hair dye. Would you like more information, do you have questions or would you like to contact us.