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Copper colours, something for you?

Copper colours, something for you?

Do you always think it looks so pretty on others, a copper hair colour? And do you ever think about having the courage to go for a copper hair colour? Then read on, because this blog is entirely dedicated to copper hair colours. You will find out whether copper is a good colour for you and which copper colour (and combination) you should go for. We will also talk about mixing copper colours.

Are you the 'warm' type?
No matter how beautiful a hair colour is, it is only a beautiful colour when it suits you well. Do you already know what colour type you are, warm or cool? Because that is more or less the starting point when you go for a new hair colour. The thumb rule is that a warm hair colour like copper looks best on warm colour types. These are the spring and autumn types. Are you a summer or winter type? Then it is better to choose a cool ash colour. It is also possible that you are not a particularly warm or cool type, but neutral. In that case, you are in luck because then you can basically have all hair colours, including copper!

Read more about it here: which hair colour suits my skin?

Are you a cool type? Unfortunately, you probably shouldn't go for a copper colour.... Because a warm, copper hair colour on a cool type is often not the best combo. It does not flatter you because small imperfections in your face tend to stand out. Think of spots, wrinkles, pimples, scars and blemishes. Also, a hair colour that is not the best choice can make you look dull, drab or tired. And even if the colour itself is very beautiful; you don't want that. Ash colours or a combination with ash colours will make you shine!

Warm or neutral type? Then choose your copper colour now!
OK, you have concluded that you are the warm type or the neutral type. A copper hair colour can look very nice on you and make you look more beautiful! But which copper colour or mix combination with copper do you choose? In copper you can choose the copper dark blonde (7.4), the copper light brown (6.4) and the copper red light brown (6.64) from WECOLOUR:

7.4 copper dark blonde744 intense copper dark blonde copper light brown copper red light brown

But each of these colours can be mixed with another colour or even multiple colours. After all, can you really have a bright copper colour or is it nicer if you tone it down a bit? This is the case, for example, with the muted warm types. The copper colour will look best on you if you mix it with a natural colour. Or maybe you want the colour lighter or darker? You can mix all our 44 colours, including these three copper colours, to make them lighter, darker, less bright, ashier (cooler), warmer, suitable for grey hair or better covering. Just whatever suits you best. Sometimes you do have to mix, it depends on your own hair colour(s) now and whether your hair is already dyed. The lighter (or greyer!) your hair, the brighter the copper or red will be on it. Is your hair light blonde, it falls into colour level 11, 10 or 9 or do you have grey hair or a grey outgrowth? Then it's better to mix.

How light or dark is your own base colour?
To see if and if so which copper colour is right for you, next determine what colour level your own hair is at. Compare the (average) colour of your hair with the darkness of the colours on our website. You then know your own colour height. Colour heights run from 1.0 - black to the 11.1 - ash very light blonde.

  • Colour height 1 and 2: unfortunately your hair is too dark for a copper colour or any other colour with WECOLOUR hair colour. You won't see any of it then, unfortunately.
  • Colour level 3 to 4: whether your hair is dyed or undyed, unfortunately, our copper colours are not suitable for you, as the copper colours in our range are too light. However, if your hair is not darker than colour level 4 now, you can dye it with the mahogany red dark brown (4.65) or the beautiful chestnut dark brown (4.8).
  • Colour levels 4 and 5: you can dye your hair with these copper colours if your hair is not dyed now. Yes! If your hair is dyed now (i.e. colour level four or five), you will unfortunately not see any results and so these colours are not suitable. This is because our copper colours are lighter, and dyed hair cannot be made lighter, unfortunately. However, you can then choose one of our other colours in colour heights 4 and 5 or even darker.
  • Colour height 6, 7 and 8: Congratulations, your colour height is perfect for these copper colours! You can assume that the colour is going to match the colour swatches of the copper colours you see above! But beware, do you already have grey, basically white hair? Then it's better to mix these colours with the natural colour in the same shade level. So the copper light brown (6.4) and copper red light brown (6.64) with the light brown (6.0) and the intense copper dark blonde (7.44) with the dark blonde (7.0). Then choose a mixing ratio of 1:1. You can also choose to dye only your outgrowth this mixing combination. Once you have applied the dye on your outgrowth, you can immediately apply the copper colour unmixed in your lengths.
  • Colour height 9, 10 and 11: with your colour height (light blonde) you can dye with our copper colours when you mix them. If you use them unmixed, the colour can turn out very bright. Choose the lightest copper colour, copper dark blonde (7.4). Soften this colour by mixing with ash very light blonde (11.1), very light blonde (10.01), light blonde (9.0), ash light blonde (9.1) or sand light blonde (9.13). The mixing ratio you use is 1:4. So 1 part dark blonde (7.4) with 4 parts of the other colour. Otherwise the copper colour becomes really bright! If this is your intention, you can of course just dye with your copper colour of choice. If necessary, you can always try out a colour on a strand of your hair first, just to be sure. Want to achieve a light peach colour? Then use a mixing ratio of 1 (copper dark blonde (7.4) : 9 of the light blonde colour.

More matt copper colour 

You can achieve a more matt (a little less warm) copper colour by mixing with an ash shade (a colour number ending in .1).
If you already know whether a copper colour is for you, choose your new copper colour(s) right away!

Choose your copper colour!

What colours can you choose?
Find out in four steps with our free colour advice tool