Almost everyone uses it: hair styling, dry shampoo, straighteners and/or curling irons. Only this can damage your hair. This is because the products you use often stay on your hair and this slowly builds up. This can make your hair look lifeless and damaged. It's time to detox your hair: a good scrub and cleanse with coarse sea salt. We explain exactly what detox is and how to use it.
Hair care products often contain silicones, sulphates and waxes that stick to your hair. After a wash, you don't rinse these products out of your hair and they keep building up. A layer forms over your hair and this makes it difficult for oils and moisture to penetrate the hair. When you detox your hair, you are actually detoxifying your hair. It not only removes toxins from your hair such as chemicals from hair care products and harmful substances from the environment but it also purifies your scalp right away. So detox for your hair is detoxifying and internal cleansing.
Detoxing your hair is very important, especially if you have dry, dull and/or damaged hair. This is because detoxing hair is a deep internal cleansing of the hair and scalp. It ensures that your hair regains and maintains a healthy appearance. In fact, a detox hair treatment cleanses all the way down to the hair follicles while also improving blood circulation in the scalp. And of course, this has visible results. The damaged hair cuticles are removed and this gives your hair more shine. You will also notice that your hair regains its shape more easily.
Sea salt is perfect to use for detoxing your hair. This is because it removes damaged hair follicles, dead cells and chemicals from the hair. To make this, add a tablespoon of sea salt to 2 cups of warm water. Then rinse this through wet, unwashed hair. Massage the rinse well into your scalp, and your hair, all the way to the ends. After this, wash your hair as usual. Your hair will have much more volume and your scalp will have been cleansed. Do this only once a month, as sea salt is a violent rinse for your hair. Sea salt is a really good cleanser, it removes all the leftover and accumulated residue from your hair care products.
You can even use sea salt to make a detox for your body. Detoxing for your body actually works the same as for your hair. You detoxify your body of dead cells, the layer of chemicals from personal care products and waste products. You can use sea salt to make a gentle detox scrub for your body. It removes dead skin cells and leaves your skin very soft. Do you suffer from sensitive skin? Then it's better to do this only once every fortnight. If you have a normal or oily skin, twice a week is sufficient, less is of course allowed.
You can make a scrub for this in several ways, such as;
You now know that using sea salt is the perfect detox treatment for both hair and skin. Just be careful not to put it in too often. After all, sea salt is a violent rinse for your hair and body. The advantage with the sea salt detox is that during this period you can easily make and use it from home. So you don't have to go to the hairdresser or spa especially for it. In addition, try to use products without silicones and sulphates as much as possible, such as WECOLOUR hair care products.