Ordered before 4 PM on business days, shipped the same day
Excellent grey coverage with a natural result
Gentle and nourishing for hair and scalp
Good coverage on grey hair

Good coverage on grey hair

Good coverage on grey hair doesn't always come naturally. Do you struggle to find the right hair dye that dyes all of your grey hair well? With the hair dye and tips from WECOLOUR, you'll be fine. All of our 44 colours have great coverage on grey hair, even with our 'as pure as possible' formula!

Full grey coverage and as pure as possible

You'll usually get good coverage on grey hair with agressive hair dyes, but your hair will get really damaged. Eventually, it turns fragile and porous which makes the colour fade away quicklier. You'll have to dye your hair more and more often. Not ideal, to say the least. Natural hair dyes often don't have (good) coverage on grey hair, so you can cross that out as well. We wanted to develop a hair dye which isn't damaging and people could use at home, but that would still have a nice and natural coverage on grey hair. That's why we've removed the harmful substances from the dye and replaced them with healthy alternatives. It's as pure as possible: no ammonia and ppd.

Do you have stiff grey hair? Your hair need some time to adjust to the dye. You won't have optimal coverage right away. That's because hair dye doesn't absorb as well into 'hard' hair. If you only struggle to have good coverage when dyeing, a few adjustements in dye technique and type of dye will get you a long way. Haven't used WECOLOUR dye before? We highly recommend you use the hair advice tool first to see which dye colours fit you. These colours are colours that suit the condition and colour of your hair best. 

Good grey coverage: not dyed with WECOLOUR yet

Didn't you dye with WECOLOUR before? Then we recommend that you first go to the WECOLOUR hair colour advice tool before choosing a colour. This is a short questionnaire about (the condition of) your hair. Afterwards you will see which WECOLOUR haircolours are eligible. These are the colours that give the best result and the most beautiful grey coverage, specifically on your hair.

Good grey coverage: dyed with WECOLOUR

Have you dyed your hair with WECOLOUR and is the grey coverage not completely satisfying? Did you pick a colour from the hair colour advice tool? And did you use enough dye and distributed the dye well? To be sure, watch the video on how to best dye your hair (however, it is in Dutch, sorry!). Is the reason for the lesser grey coverage not due to the above mentioned reasons? Then you have the choice of changing your dying technique and / or adjusting the chosen colour.

There's different techniques for getting good coverage on your grey hair. We'll explain them here:

1. Dyeing techniques: a different mixing ratio

Add a little less hydrogen peroxide (the developer) to the colourcream. This will make the hair dye a little stronger. Watch out though, because the hair dye (colourcream) does need hydrogen peroxide to work. Usually, the mixing ratio would be 1:1. That means 1 part of colourcream and 1 equal part of developer. When using less hydrogen peroxide, use a mixing ratio of at least 45g of hydrogen peroxide with 60g of colourcream. You can use a kitchen scale for measuring this.

2. Dyeing techniques: pre-pigmenting grey hairs

With stubborn grey strands you can use a different trick: using pre-pigmenting them first. Pre-pigmenting grey hair is mostly effective on small strands of hair, like at your temples. Pre-pigmenting is done by applying pure colourcream on these strands of hair before dyeing. When the colourcream has been sitting for 10 minutes, dye your hair as usual (without rinsing out the colourcream first).

3. Dyeing techniques: pickling grey hairs

Another method, which resembles the last one, is adding a little bit of developer to the stubborn grey strands. Let this sit for twenty minutes. The hair cuticles will open up more, making it easier for the dye to be absorbed. This can be really effective with hair dye without ammonia, because the hair dye is milder and sometime struggles to dye grey hair. After letting the developer sit for twenty mintutes, dye your hair as usual. Once again, don't rinse out the developer before dyeing your hair.

4. Dyeing techniques: letting the hair dye sit for longer with tin foil

When you start applying hair dye, start with the grey strands or your grey roots. Many people have grey hair at their temples and facial contours. Here, royally apply the dye. Then continue with dyeing your roots and the rest of your hair. When you're completely done, cover your hair in tin foil. The warmth of your scalp then reaches your hair well, and warmth makes the dye develop better. After this let the dye sit for ten minutes longer then it's supposed to (45 minutes)

Adapting the colour for good grey coverage

1. Use or mix with a natural colour 

While all colours have pretty good grey coverage, the naturalcolours always have better coverage on grey hair than colours with a tint- or nuance. Natural colours are the colours that end in a 0 after the dot. A natural colour is a neutral colour, meaning no warm or cool pigments have been added to the colour. At WECOLOUR, we have natural colours fit for every hair colour. Our natural hair colours are:

  • 1.0 black
  • 3.0 black brown
  • 4.0 dark brown
  • 5.0 brown
  • 6.0 light brown
  • 7.0 dark blonde
  • 8.0 natural blonde
  • 9.0 light natural blonde
  • 10.01 very light natural blonde

To start off, take a natural colour at the same colour level of the colour you've dyed with. So if you've used the 7.7, use the 7.0 next or mix the 7.0 with the 7.7. For mixing it's best to use a mixing ratio of 1:1. If this still doesn't work, you could consider taking a colour at a darker colour level. In this example, you'd use the 6.0 in stead of the 7.0.

2. Pick or mix with a golden colour

Do warm colours look good on you? Then you could consider picking or mixing with a golden tint. Golden tints have the best grey coverage out of all 44 options. It's even better than natural colours. At WECOLOUR, we offer the golden dark brown (4.3), ice brown (5.31), golden light brown (6.3), golden dark blonde 7.3, golden blonde 8.3, light golden blonde 9.3 and golden very light blond 10.3.

3. Dyed with a natural colour? Use a darker colour level

If you're using WECOLOUR for the first time, first pick the colour level you want to dye your hair to. Don't want it to end up too dark? Then pick a lighter tint than you actually want. Because our dye contains more pigment to make up for the absence of harmful substances, the colour can look a little darker, especially if you have fine or porous hair. If the colour you chose is too light, you can always dye it to a lighter colour. Unhappy about the way it turned out? Contact us. Most of the time it's best to dye your hair again with a darker colour. So for example, if you used the 6.0, try the 5.0. Not all colours have a darker colour level, such as the 5.7. Mix this with the natural colour at the same level (5.0). 

4. Dyed with a natural colour? Use half a darker colour level

Don't wanna go too dark, but need better coverage? You can also mix the hair colour with a tint that's darker. For example, if you used the 8.0, you can mix it with the 7.0 for a colour that's in between the two. 

Grey coverage with warm hair colours

Want good grey coverage with a warm or bright colour? Always mix warm or bright colours with a natural tint. So for example, mix the 7.4 copper blonde with the 7.0 dark blonde. This isn't only so you'll have better coverage, but also to prevent getting a really bright colour. Warm (red) hair colours often look way too bright on grey hair. Dyeing your roots with a natural colour or mixing your own hair colour with a natural colour gives a more natural-looking result.

Grey coverage with ash tints

Do you want a cool colour to get rid of your warm glow, but already have grey hair? Pick the so-called ash tints. These don't always give optimal grey coverage, so use the WECOLOUR colour advice tool to see if an ash colour is fit for you. If it is, you can use it no problem. But if it's not, you should mix the ash colour with a natural colour. Does the (mixed) ash colour still not work well enough? Contact us. We'll usually advise you to use a natural colour or to mix it with a natural colour. We'll send you our colour suggestion for free.

Dye your grey hair with WECOLOUR?

Would you also like to give WECOLOUR a try, but are you still unsure whether your favorite WECOLOUR 'as pure as possible' hair dye will cover your grey hair? We have a money back guarantee and our formula won't harm your hair, so just give it a try. If you are not completely satisfied, let us know. We have 30 years of salon experience in finding the perfect covering hair colour for you.

So if the result is not what you expected, let us know. Sometimes you do not have the right colour in one or two times. We are therefore happy to help you free of charge. Let us know by e-mail why the result is not what you expected.

Still in doubt? Use the hair colour advice tool or read customer reviews. You can also contact us for colour advice or if your desired hair colour does not follow from the hair colour advice tool. You can request a free hair colour tester to perform an allergy test before ordering. If you regularly dye your hair and you have found your ideal colour (or colour combination), take a look at the possibilities of a subscription, then you always have your hair dye on stock and you pay less.

  • Ordered on working days before 4:00 PM; shipped the same day with track&trace.
  • The colour cream and activator can be kept for a year after opening, which is useful if you don't need a whole tube.
  • Without ammonia and PPD (but with TDS).
  • Your hair stays beautiful and healthy because the hair dye is so gentle on your hair.
  • The colour therefore remains beautiful for a long time.
  • Healthy grey coverage at home.

We are positive you can also achieve a good coverage on your grey hair.

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Find out in four steps with our free colour advice tool