Who doesn't know it? You spend an hour curling your hair and after half a day everything has sagged. Very annoying. That is why in this blog we give you tips to keep your self-curled hair beautiful for as long as possible. Prepping is step one. Next, get yourself a curling iron. The smaller the iron, the better the curl will hold. Part your hair with clips. And start making curls step by step. The more precisely you work, the better the result. Finally, finish with a hairspray.
Prepping your hair is step 1 of perfect curls. You wash your hair with a shampoo and condition it as you always would. Then you apply a firming product to your hair, this can be in the form of a Volume Mousse, for example. Put a little more firming product in your hair than usual and spread it on the roots and lengths of your hair. Now it is time to blow-dry your hair. Run your hands through your hair often for volume. If your hair is not completely dry yet, grab a brush. This can be a round or a flat brush. A brush will smooth the cuticles of your hair. Blow-dry your hair completely using the brush. After these steps, put some Argan Silk in your hair to protect it from the heat of the curling iron.
If you want small curls, grab a smaller curling iron. For more chunky curls or waves, grab a larger iron. Want to enjoy your curls for a few days? Then choose a slightly smaller iron. If it sags then, the curl is still there. Another tip! Look at the heat of the curling iron, the hotter the iron the better it will hold. Be careful though! If you go hotter, you can't leave the iron in your hair as long. And hotter is obviously not better for your hair. But once in a while, it can't hurt. Especially not if you put in some extra Argan Silk.
Your hair is now prepped and the curling iron is ready. Time to start curling. To make it easy for yourself, part your hair with clips. This way you can keep an overview and curl your hair step by step. You can now start curling. Take your time and work neatly, this will always show in the end result and the outcome of your curls. Once you have curled all your hair, let it cool well before brushing it through or shaking it loose with your fingers.
Your hair has now cooled down well. Then it's time for the hairspray. This makes sure the curls stay put. Want to shake the curls loose? Then hang upside down and run your fingers through your hair. For more volume, also put in the hairspray (when still upside down). Wait a few seconds so the spray stays put. Without much effort lots of volume! And don't be too careful with the hairspray. This keeps the curl in shape for an extra long time.
The last step to keep the curls nice for the next day. Put a loose bun or braid in your hair. This way, your curls are hardly affected by your pillow and stay nice for longer. Just make sure you don't tie it too tightly. If you want some extra volume the next day, hang upside down again and shake everything loose. You can also add some dry shampoo if necessary.
WECOLOUR products are perfect for your beautiful curls. Argan Silk, for instance, is the ideal serum to protect your hair from the heat of the curling iron. It also gives your hair nourishment and keeps it from getting frizzy. The argan oil in it is molecularly converted into a cream substance, so it does not weigh your hair down. The Volume Mousse gives you that little bit extra. Entirely organic, cruelty-free and without sulphates and parabens, much better for your hair. So keep your self-curled hair beautiful for longer from now on!