Which vitamins should you ingest for good-looking and healthy hair? Because whatever your hair style is, and whatever hair colour you like: healthy hair looks best! Hair dye also stays for longer in healthy hair. And did you know healthy hair makes you look younger?
You probably already own a bunch of products to care for and style your hair. But did you know you can change the condition of your hair by eating the right things? There are certain minerals and vitamis that help get your hair much healthier from the inside out.
Can your hair use a little boost when it comes to health? For example, if you have (partly) grey or curly hair, your hair will be dry and dehydrated, maybe even poofy.
When your hair turns grey, it also gets stiffer. That's a shame, because flexible and soft healthy hair makes you look a lot younger. But also if you want to have shinier hair or hair with more volume, you can do something about it by managing what you eat.
You'll get far with a healthy and varied diet. But there are certain products that give your hair that extra boost to get it to optimal conditions.
It's common knowledge that salmon is good for your health. Salmon contains omega-3 fats, vitamin B12 and iron. This is also good for your hair; it cares for your scalp.
Spinach and broccoli are a great source of vitamin A and C. Your body needs these vitamins to produce sebum. Sebum is a natural conditioner for your hair. Green veggies also contain iron and calcium.
Kidney beans and lentils should be an important part of your hair care diet! They contain proteins for hair growth, and they're rich in iron, zinc and biotin. Biotin boosts the condition of the hair and helps with balding and grey hair. Beans and lentils are healthy either way, so we should actually already be eating them, especially with the trend of eating less meat.
One of the best sources of selenium is the brazil nut. Selenium keeps the scalp healthy. Walnuts contain alfa-lenolenic acid, which help keeps the hair in perfect condition. They're also a good source of zinc, just like cashew nuts, pecan nuts and almonds. A shortage of
zinc can lead to hair loss.
Chicken and turkey are rich in proteins and iron and help restore and prevent brittle hair.
Eggs contain proteins, biotin and vitamin B12. These are important beauty nutrients.
For a healthy dosis of zinc, iron and vitamin B you have to make sure to eat enough whole wheat products. Brown bread, whole wheat pasta and brown rice.
Oysters are espeically well-known because of their potency-increasing capacities. But they're also good for healthy hair! Oysters also contain zinc, a powerful antioxidant.
Dairy products contain calcium, which is a mineral that stimulates hair growth. Milk and yoghurt also contain casein (a certain protein). Hair that quickly breaks lacks protein.
Vitamin A helps with a healthy scalp. This is essential for shiny hair.
This shopping list should help you out, right? Healthy and pretty hair from the inside out! But is it too much effort? Or do you dislike salmon and carrots? At stores such as Holland & Barrett they have all kinds of necessary hair vitamins in handy little bottles.
Is your hair damaged because of dyeing, bleaching or styling? Use Colour Mask as a deeply cleansing hair mask or add Colour Mask to your hair dye. For extra care you could also try the Argan Silk. This product has been especially developed for coloured hair that's dry, porous or damaged. The formula makes sure your hair is fed and improves the elsasticity of your hair. It will feel softer and you'll get a silky shine. It's good for dry ends and keeps your hair healthy. Argan Silk has a UV filter so it protects your hair from things from the outside. It contains argan oil and beewax and is perfectly fit for dyed, dry, porous, dull or damaged hair.