Ash colours remain unprecedentedly popular and can no longer be left out of our range. At WECOLOUR you will find ash shades in all colour heights, from dark brown to very light blonde. They provide a nice cool, matt nuance and prevent a yellow, orange or red glow in your hair. But which ash colour suits you? WECOLOUR has nine ash shades in its range:
You can recognise ash shades by the number '1' after the dot in the colour number. These are all beautiful cool colours. Many people incorrectly think that ash shades really mean grey hair colours. An ash colour only means that it is a so-called 'cool' or matt colour, a colour with cool undertones. So extra blue pigments have been added to this colour to get (and keep) it very cool. You can also neutralise warmth present in the hair. Want to read more about this? Then read our blog on asnuances.
All our asnuances contain 6% hydrogen peroxide (also called activator), except for the very light ash blonde (11.1). This very light ash blonde hair colour contains 9% hydrogen peroxide as standard. This is a bit more damaging to your hair than 6% but also lights up a bit more. However, have you already dyed your hair in a colour that is darker? Then you cannot lighten that colour. This is because you cannot dye dyed hair lighter. Do you prefer 12% instead of the standard 9% included in the very light ash blonde (11.1)? You can indicate this during the ordering process.
How do you know if an ash shade suits you? Ash shades look great on people with cool or neutral undertones in their skin, such as the summer and winter types. Not sure which type you belong to yet? Then read our blog 'Which hair colour suits my skin' and watch the helpful video by colour expert Helma. Ash tones are beautifully intense. They also ensure that red cheeks or red spots on your face are not accentuated.
Are you a little older? Then an ash colour can accentuate lines and wrinkles on your face. This is probably why we mostly see younger women wearing the greynuances. In addition, if you already have a lot of grey hair, it is better to mix the shade with a natural shade. Natural nuances are colour numbers consisting of two digits where the second digit (the number after the dot) is a '0'. For example, light brown (6.0), dark blonde (7.0) and medium blonde (8.0).
Have you decided that you are going for an ash shade? Then it is important to determine the colour height of your own hair. The colour height basically means how light or dark your hair is. Colour heights run from black (colour height 1) to very light blonde (colour height 11). You can recognise the colour height by the first digit of a colour number.
Is your hair undyed (also not bleached or highlighted)? Then it's best to choose an ash colour in one colour level lighter if you want to end up at about the same colour level. Do you want darker? That's possible too, but preferably go up to two colour heights darker. You can always go darker, but not lighter if you think the result is too dark. Want to dye your undyed hair lighter? Then choose the ash shade in two colour heights higher than your current colour height. So are you at colour height 7? Then you can choose ash light blonde (9.1).
To be sure, check our hair colour advice tool to see which colours and colour heights you can choose from. You can recognise ash colours by the number '1' after the dot.
Is your hair dyed? Then you can only dye your hair with an ash colour at the same colour level as your hair is now or darker. You cannot dye it lighter than the colour your hair is now.
To be sure, check our hair colour advice tool to see which colours and colour heights you can choose from. You can recognise ash colours by the number '1' after the dot.
Do you have very highlighted hair or have you bleached, decoloured or highlighted your hair? Then be careful with an asnuance. If your hair is heavily highlighted, the warm pigment has disappeared from your hair. An ash shade can then turn grey or even greenish. What can you do if you still want a cooler colour in your hair? Mix your ash shade of choice with the natural shade from the same colour level. That way you avoid a grey or green glow while still getting a cool nuance. To be sure, try it first on a (highlighted/bleached) section of your hair.
The ash nuance in hair dye only develops in the final phase of the dye's process time. So, especially with ash nuances, make sure you let the dye work in for the entire indicated process time! We recommend 45 minutes for ash nuances, where it is 35 minutes for all our other colours. And ash shades are almost always a shade darker than expected. So if you are in doubt about two colour heights, choose the lightest. You can always dye darker, but you can't dye dyed hair lighter without bleaching it. So if you have chosen an ash light brown (6.1) and still prefer the ash blonde (8.1), you can no longer do this if your hair has already been dyed with ash light brown (6.1). You'll then have to wait at least a few months for the colour to lift to a colour level eight, which is tricky if your hair is brown. So always try a lighter colour height first, then you can go another colour height darker without any problems. Take a look at our Pinterest boards at the different ash colours to see which ash colour you prefer. However, the images are always an indication, the final result always depends on your own hair.
Finally, it might be nice to know that WECOLOUR hair dye does not contain ammonia, PPD, resorcinol and parabens. The hair dye is therefore much gentler on your hair and scalp. WECOLOUR hair dye contains more pigment to ensure good coverage without ammonia, which is why our colours are often a bit darker. Hopefully this answers all your questions and you know which ash hair colour suits you best, and if not, we would love to hear from you!